For complete functionality the application requires access to your images. This is to provide you with the ability of adding images to list items.
On Android versions higher or equal to 6.0 (Marshmallow): you will be asked for these permission when you try to add images or access the media management interface. If you decline, the application can still function, but you won’t be able to add images.
On Android versions lower than 6.0 (Marshmallow): permissions are requested and granted at install time.
No personal data is collected or transferred away from your device outside of your control.
The application provides an export functionality. If you make use of this functionality the application will generate an export archive which will be saved to a location specified by you. Library images are images that you copy deliberately from the system storage to the application’s storage. These library images are bundled up together with the database into the export archive. Exporting and transferring the archive to a safe location are your responsibility.